Your practice is anything you do that connects you to your most essential self, your deepest soul voice, and something bigger (the Universe…Source…the Force…the Divine…God…whatever you like to call it).
Your practice might include time in nature, journaling, stillness or meditation, running, yoga, chanting, setting intentions or visioning, prayer, reading or listening to inspiring sources, gratitude, or any other activities that fill your well and feed your soul.
Your practice might last 10 minutes or 2 hours. You might do it daily or as often as you can. It will be unique to you and your needs.
Your practice (no matter how you do it!) changes your outlook, your wellbeing, your resilience, and the shape of your entire day – and ultimately, your life! Its effects ripple out to your loved ones, neighbors, and colleagues, your work, your social media feed, and the world at large.