Come Get Shamelessly Spiritual and Join the Soul Digger® Community!

We are an ongoing program designed to help you live a soul-driven life.


When you align with your soul and let it guide the way, that’s when life really gets good.

  • You have total trust in your abilities, divine assistance, and the Universe’s plan for you
  • You KNOW you are enough, so you pursue fulfilling work, you enter relationships for heart-based reasons, you follow your biggest dreams, and you love the skin you are in
  • You feel safe even when the world looks scary and unsafe.
  • You experience (and expect!) miracles and synchronicities on the regular.
  • You feel confident following breadcrumbs from the Universe leading you on the path to your highest purpose and best destiny

But here’s the thing: We came in hardwired to forget our true divine nature (ah, the joys of being human).


And we are surrounded by other forgetful humans in our culture, communities, and social media feeds who reinforce the lies and tired old stories of that you should be afraid, that you aren’t enough, and that you don’t have the power to create the life you really want.


Tuning out the toxic messages while remembering who we really are (a spiritual being having a human experience) is a practice – a spiritual practice that you need on the regular if you want to truly thrive. And it takes a little practice, encouragement, support and inspiration to tune into your own soul voice and live courageously from its guidance.

Enter Soul Digger®

Soul Digger is for people who know (or at least suspect) that your soul holds the blueprint for your highest and best destiny.

Join us if you are ready to get shamelessly spiritual and live a soul-led life!

What the Program Includes

  • We meet virtually each Wednesday of the month at 10am Pacific / 1pm Eastern.  You have the option to join via video conference or audio-only.  The calls are recorded, and emailed to participants,  in the event you cannot join live.
  • A private Facebook group serving as a community forum where you can connect with others who are living soul-driven lives.
  • A 20% discount on all live workshops and other events.
  • Sunny sometimes posts exclusive content solely for the Soul Digger community.

What the Program Costs

Monthly Subscription:


Sign Up Today!

Please choose from monthly, quarterly or yearly subscription from the dropdown menu below.

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Sunny helped me tap into my higher self and greater abundance. She connected me to wildly useful resources, teachers, and books. I now run my company with tools I learned from Sunny, listening to my body and intuition to make decisions. I am surprised and grateful to realize I am living the ideal life Sunny once helped me picture. I am indebted to Sunny for her invaluable and magical support.
Katie Davis, Seattle

Additional Details

  • If you experience technical problems enrolling or have questions about the Soul Digger program, please email us at and we’ll answer them as quickly as we can.
  • All subscriptions will automatically renew monthly, with the day you enroll being the first day of your month of membership (or six months, or year of membership).
  • Although the program includes a private Facebook group, if you don’t wish to be on Facebook you can still enjoy all other benefits of the program. 
  • Additional details will be in your welcome letter.

“There will never be a voice outside of you that is wiser than your soul-voice or holds more authority over what is best for you. You need guidance and support not to follow someone else’s truth but to remain loyal to your own.”

-Meggan Watterson

Sunny's Story

Headshot Sunny Joy McMillan Golden Oversoul

Sunny Joy McMillan

Recovering attorney

Practicing master life coach

Radio host of Sunny in Seattle

Author of Unhitched

In a previous chapter of my life, I had it all by our culture’s standards: a respectable career as an attorney; marriage to a wildly successful attorney who’d founded his own firm; over-the-top lifestyle; the body I’d deemed was the “right” size.


I’d done everything I thought I was supposed to do.  I’d achieved everything I thought would make me happy.  I’d created the life my human always wanted.  But it lacked meaning and purpose.  And my soul was starving.


I desperately wanted to find my true calling (law wasn’t it).  I knew I needed to leave my marriage (after years of high conflict, we were at the height of our dysfunction). And I suspected my treatment of my body was not sustainable (would I ever feel comfortable in my own skin, love who I was, and like what I saw in the mirror??).


The life my human had fashioned and forced into being was not working so well.  So I asked my soul and the Universe/Divine/Source/Spirit/God/Whatever to take the lead.  And that’s when things really got good.


I finally had the courage to follow my heart and spirit.  I met the greatest gift of a man, who has been my partner ever since.  I discovered work that feels like a calling.  And I found my purpose (or rather, it found me).


I have experienced what’s possible when you align with your soul, the most powerful part of you that knows your best destiny and is connected to something greater.  Your soul can gently lead you toward the most beautiful tapestry of what’s possible for your life…living your purpose…doing meaningful work…creating fulfilling relationships…finding your person…experiencing things your human cannot even imagine.


But you have to learn to hear your soul-voice.  And that can be difficult when everyone around you is living in fear and doubt, disconnected from the wise, peaceful, courageous being within.  


That’s why I created Soul Digger.  Join us, and learn how to live a soul-driven life!